Laura Macchi is full professor of Psychology of Thinking Problem Solving, Decision Making and Communication at the Department of Psychology, University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy). She is the Vice-President of the Behavioral Insights Bicocca (BIB) research group, and the Co-Director of the Master in Nudge and Public Policies, University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy). She carries out experimental studies about probabilistic reasoning and decision-making, insight problem solving, creativity, and pragmatics.
Elisa Palazzi is a professor of climate physics at the Department of Physics, University of Turin. She works on the study of the climate system and Earth-System processes, with a focus on the current and expected impacts of rising temperatures in mountain regions. She participates in several national and international projects on the current and expected evolution of mountain environments. She has experience in science dissemination through public speeches at conferences, festivals, schools and participation in TV and radio programs. She is author of three books on climate change, and author and presenter of a climate Podcast.
Riccardo Viale is Full Professor of Behavioral Sciences and Cognitive Economics at the Department of Economics of the University of Milan Bicocca. He is currently Head of Italy Behavioral Insights Team at Prime Minister Department of Civil Service. He is the author of many books and publications including the forthcoming Handbook on Bounded Rationality (Routledge, 2021) and “Nudging” (The MIT Press, 2021).
Davide Diamantini is Associate Professor for the subject area “Sociology of economic processes, labour, environment and territory” and Lecturer in "Sociology of Business Innovation" at the Master's Degree Course in "Training and Development of Human Resources" of the Department of Human Sciences for Training Education of the University of Milan-Bicocca. He is expert in sociology of cultural and communicative processes and sociology on innovation in education contexts. He has also an expertise in and worked on the pervasive presence of communication technologies and on their accessibility.
Laura Martignon was born in Colombia to Italian parents. She studied Mathematics at the National University of Colombia obtaining her B.Sc. degree. She traveled to Tübingen, Germany, on a DAAD scholarship, where she obtained her Diplom (Master's degree) in 1975 and, in 1978, her PhD in Mathematics.
She worked at Corbondale University, Illinois, as well as nine years at the University of Brasilia. She was a Visiting Scholar at the University of Jerusalem for three semesters.
She was a founding member of the ABC Center (Adaptive Behavior and Cognition) directed by Gerd Gigerenzer within the Max Planck Society, formerly in Munich and later in Berlin.
Since 2003 she has been a professor in the Department of Mathematics at the Ludwigsburg University of Education. Her academic activity has been mainly as a mathematical modeler in applied sciences and as an educator of future mathematics teachers, concentrating on didactical topics.
Joachim Engel received a Diplom in Mathematics from the University of Bonn and a PhD in Applied Mathematics from the University of Southern California. He also was trained as a high school teacher. Since 2004 he is professor for mathematics and mathematics education, first at the University of Hannover, then at Ludwigsburg University of Education. He is author of two popular text books on applied mathematics. His research interests are in the area of statistical literacy, mathematical modeling, nonparametric statistics, statistics and society and data science education. He was elected as President of the International Association for Statistical Education (2019-2021); from 2015-2018 he was coordinator of the strategic partnership ProCivicStat, funded by the Erasmus+ program of the EU.
Ulf Kieschke studied psychology at the Humboldt University of Berlin (1992-1998). He was a Research assistant at the University of Potsdam, Institute of Psychology, Department of Personality and Differential Psychology (1998-2004). Later he obtained his PhD (Dr. phil.) at the University of Potsdam (topic of the dissertation: "Work, Personality and Health. Contributions to a differential psychology of occupational stress"). From 2004 until 2008 he was an Assistant Professor for Psychological Diagnostics at the University of Potsdam. He was also an administrative Professor for Personnel and Organizational Psychology at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg (2008-2009). From then on he has been Professor of psychology at the Ludwigsburg University of Education. He is the Dean of Faculty I (Education, Theology, Psychology,..) at this university.
Andreas Fest was Research assistant at the Technical University of
Berlin in the research group "Combinatorial Optimization and Graph Algorithms" with Prof. R. Möhring from 1999 until 2005.
He also was a Research assistant at the Technical University of Berlin in the research project "Visage - Visualization of Graph Algorithms" of the DFG Research Center Matheon with Prof. U. Kortenkamp and Dr. B. Lutz-Westphal.April from 2006 until June 2008 and a
Research assistant at the Technical University of Berlin in the project "Active Mathematics" with Prof. A. Unterreiter.
Since 2010 he has been an associate teaching professor at the Institute for mathematics and Computing of the Ludwigsburg University of Education. He is the director the financial section of that Institute.
This content will be soon availiable.
Jean Baratgin
Jean Baratgin is a full professor at the University of Paris 8 (France). He heads the Cognition, Natural and Artificial Rationalities team (CHArt Laboratory) and is responsible for the Master of Psychology of Cognition. His formal and experimental research work revolves around the polysemous concept of rationality. He conducts his research with a double objective, psychological and epistemological. He defends the hypothesis that human beings spontaneously carry out “probable reasoning” in uncertain situations, but also in situations presented as certain. Probable reasoning would thus be the substratum of general human reasoning that would integrate all forms of reasoning (for example deduction and induction). At the same time, he questions the validity of using normative models for empirical study, questioning their operational and descriptive qualities. He proposes subjective Bayesianism (founded by Bruno de Finetti) as a normative model for its theoretical qualities, but also for its descriptive power. For him, this model offers a complete methodological framework for the study of beliefs and degrees of belief, and forces one to consider the pragmatic implicatures inherent in participant-experimenter interactions. In order to limit these implicatures, it proposes a new experimental paradigm in which a robot replaces the experimenter. This opening is the occasion for new questions in HRI, and on the introduction of pragmatics in various interactive digital tools such as chatbots.
Frank Jamet
Researcher in developmental psychology (child, adolescent, adult expert, disable people)
- knowledge of the physical world,
- temporal reasoning, complex classification, class inclusion, causality,
- Comparative cultural approach (French Guyana, New-Calédonia).
- Robotic for education (autism)๏ปฟ
Head of the Master APRIBEP & REI
Baptiste Jacquet
Baptiste Jacquet is Maître de Conférence (Associate Professor) in Cognitive Psychology at University Paris 8. His main research interest are conversational pragmatics (understanding the use of implicit in conversations) and artificial intelligence (in particular: artificial conversational agents, or chatbots). He is a member of Cognition Humaine et Artificielle laboratory (CHArt) in the Cognition, Natural and Artificial Rationalities team.
Maxime Bourlier
Maxime Bourlier is a student who did his Master thesis under the supervison of Pr. Jean Baratgin on Probabilistic reasoning. His research interest revolves around the notion of rationality and its interaction with those of moral and cooperation especially in the context of the ecological transition.
Magdalena Jiménez Ramírez
Magdalena Jiménez-Ramírez is Associate Professor in the School of Educational Sciences of the University of Granada. Her research concerns young people and their vulnerable transitions, the analysis of educational policies with young people at risk of vulnerability and social exclusion, and the policies and reforms of vocational education and training.
Francisco Javier Jiménez Ríos
Francisco Javier Jiménez Ríos is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Granada. His research focuses on education in values and sex education. He was a member of the organisation of the 1st Earth Charter and Education Conference.
Luis Martínez Izquierdo
Luis Martínez Izquierdo is a PhD student, as a holder of a research fellowship of the Spanish programme for University Teacher Training (FPU) of the Ministry of Universities, in the Department of Pedagogy at the University of Granada, Spain. He is a member of the teaching staff of the University of Granada’s Early Childhood Education Degree in the subject Comparative Educational Policies of the European Union. His research interests focus on vocational education and training, comparative education, policy transfer and education policy.
Rocío Lorente García
Rocío Lorente García is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education Sciences at the University of Granada. She is a member of the research group known as Educational Policies and Reforms (HUM308). She teaches in the Master's Degree in Research and Innovation in Curriculum and Training of the University of Granada. Her main lines of research focus on educational reforms in the field of vocational education and training, educational transitions of young people in situations of social vulnerability, social reintegration of people in situations of socio-educational exclusion and childcare policies.
Juan Manuel García Fuentes
Juan García-Fuentes is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Education Sciences (University of Granada) and member of the Research Group "Educational Policies and Reforms (HUM-308), where he carried out his Doctoral Thesis linked to the European project "Policies Supporting Young People in their life course. A Comparative Perspective of Lifelong Learning and Inclusion in Education and Work in Europe (YOUNG ADULLLT)". Born in Granada, Spain, 1987, he holds a degree in Pedagogy (2010), a master's degree in International Cooperation, Public Management and Service of NGDOs (2011) and a PhD (2020) in the Education Sciences Program of the University of Granada's Plan Propio. He has worked as a teacher, researcher and has participated in numerous national and international conferences and congresses. In addition, he has made several research stays in prestigious Universities such as University of Stockholm, Sweden (2017), University of Turin, Italy (2018) and University of Wisconsin Madison, USA (2019), among others.
Pablo Cerrillo Ruiz๏ปฟ
Pablo Cerrillo Ruiz worked for 3 years as programmer fullstack with differents technologies (PHP, SQL, HTML, JavaScript or CSS). Also, I have worked for 1 year as database consultant with Oracle Databases. Since 2020, I work as computing teacher in high school.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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